
Showing posts from May, 2023

Our Purpose

The purpose of this project is simple: We want the Yakima police department to stop using the image of a Native American person in a headdress or warbonnet on it's uniform badge and as it's official logo. We want to educate the City of Yakima officials and the community more broadly about why this is a problematic racist image that shouldn't be used.  It is call for the City of Yakima to do better and to be held to a higher standard. It is not meant as an attack on the police department or law enforcement. Nor is it a statement about the work they do or don't do. Those are conversations for another forum at another time, perhaps.

Cultural Appropriation Defined

As defined by Encyclopedia Britannica. (I promise, I didn't ask them to use the headdress/warbonnet example, but how perfect for this topic and point of education.) Cultural appropriation , adoption of certain language, behaviour, clothing, or tradition belonging to a minority culture or social group by a dominant culture or group in a way that is exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical. An imbalance of power between the appropriator and the appropriated is a critical condition of the concept. Cultural appropriation often is viewed as a problem of the postcolonial world; in this way, the term commonly is used in reference to Western or white populations’ adoption of aspects of non-Western or non-white cultures. Cultural appropriation has been identified across a range of fields, including religion, music, sports, fashion, visual art, and film. The term cultural appropriation is thought to have emerged in the 1970s from academic discourse on Western colonialism. No ...


  What do you think about the Ypd logo?  Take the survey.   Thank you!!