
Showing posts from June, 2023

Campaign Origins

Over the past few years I have been disturbed by the image on the patch of the Y akima p olice d epartment , though I haven’t said much about it to many people b esides a few friends until recently. While discussing the image on the logo with a colleague recently, I was encouraged to reach out to the City of Yakima chief of police and ask him about the logo. I had never spoken to him before so I didn't have any idea what to expect as a response and this was a little outside of my comfort zone b ut I sent him an email anyway. He responded quickly and we set up a meeting to discuss it further in person. The question I asked him via email was, “What would it take to facilitate Y PD ending their use of a Native American face and headdress as a logo on their patches, uniforms, etc .?” It was a short meeting and he was friendly and easy to talk to. However, the content of our conversation only increased my determination and certainty that more needed to be done besides just aski