
Getting closer to pinpointing when the logo changed

I got a great email today from the Yakima Library letting me know they think they've narrowed down the time frame for when the logo probably changed. The photos below show uniforms in 1923 & 1948 without the logo and one in 1955 with the logo so it was changed sometime in that 7 year time frame. This is the most info I've gotten so far about when the logo changed and I was excited to see these photos. It is possible it changed in 1950 when the police department moved from their old location to their new one, but we are still researching to see if that is the case. Photo below from 1923 in the newspaper on 12-23-1970. No evidence of the badge or anything similar on their uniforms. Photo below from 1948 in newspaper from 12-29-1970. The badge is not visible on any of the uniforms and shows no evidence it is there. Photo below from the newspaper in 10-23-1955 clearly showing the badge with the current logo. The irony of the article content and the photo description in relation...

What should the logo be changed to - responses

These are the 160 responses so far to the question, "What should it be changed to?" No editing has been done to the comments and they are listed in the order they were given.   If you said yes it should be changed, what should it be changed to? I don't know exactly what it should be but it should represent Yakima. Whatever best represent yakima, maybe a indegenius animal or creature? or even just like a animal Something that encompasses Yakima like a landscape or something that recognizes the community as a whole. Not a clue I am not apart of the Yakama tribe nor do I know much about the tribe or the area but I think you could get a competition started amongst the tribe for the best ideas! It should be something that truly represents the people in the area, rather than it being something that is offensive and can cause more pain and harm. Possibly something reflecting the nature of Yakima (rivers, fields, etc.). Something representative of the city (agricult...

No, I don't like the Ypd logo - responses

These are the 38 no responses so far that were posted in the Other section to the question "Do you like the YPD logo?" that were beyond the choices of 1) It is offensive; 2) It is racist; 3) The YPD log does not honor the Yakama Tribe; 4) All of the above. No editing has been done to the comments and they are listed in the order they were given. It makes a stereotype of a group. All of the above, I think it is a disrespectful depiction of the Yakima Nation/Tribe Yakama people don't live here. Because we forced them elsewhere. They have their own law as a result. Seems like your department could find its own image? This one doesn't seem honorific. It seems to glorify theft. Not appropriate imo Not their culture, disrespectful and blatant cultural appropriation. Twisted and sick considering the USAs bloody history Not tasteful It has nothing to do with the police, nor the Yakama Nation. Time to change! cultural appropriation, etc ...