No, I don't like the Ypd logo - responses

These are the 38 no responses so far that were posted in the Other section to the question "Do you like the YPD logo?" that were beyond the choices of 1) It is offensive; 2) It is racist; 3) The YPD log does not honor the Yakama Tribe; 4) All of the above. No editing has been done to the comments and they are listed in the order they were given.

  1. It makes a stereotype of a group.

  2. All of the above, I think it is a disrespectful depiction of the Yakima Nation/Tribe

  3. Yakama people don't live here. Because we forced them elsewhere. They have their own law as a result. Seems like your department could find its own image? This one doesn't seem honorific. It seems to glorify theft.

  4. Not appropriate imo

  5. Not their culture, disrespectful and blatant cultural appropriation. Twisted and sick considering the USAs bloody history

  6. Not tasteful

  7. It has nothing to do with the police, nor the Yakama Nation. Time to change!

  8. cultural appropriation, etc

  9. I'd have a sit-down meeting with the Nation and get their opinion.

  10. All of the above and the Yakama Nation has their police dept.

  11. It seems an anachronistic depiction of a First Nations leader. As far as I can tell, it does nothing to illuminate the public as to the mission and values of the city’s police force.

  12. Have you asked tribe members what they think?

  13. I feel something more appropriate and professional is in order. However, I would also need to know what the Yakama Nation says about the logo. Have they been consulted?

  14. You are not the Yakama Nation/Tribe. Why use an image that is indigenous in nature when it is white people that have run these folks out and "policed" them creating all sorts of rules and regulations against their traditional way of life?

  15. The logo is racist because the YPD is not part of the Yakama tribe and has nothing to do with any Native tribes.

  16. Not relevant

  17. Maybe it's a bit racist, not sure it honors the Yakama Nation. Could be better for sure.

  18. All of the above. Police in this country formed from slave catchers and "Indian agents" and it's not an honor to be associated with them.

  19. It is all of those things to me, but as a white man my opinion should carry less weight

  20. it does not represent the city of Yakima

  21. It would make sense to me if the police departments of Wapato or Toppenish used this logo, but it feels out of place outside of the Yakama Reservation. Also, I highly suspect that it is a source of pain to members of the Yakama tribe, as their ancestors were forced off the land that the city of Yakima now occupies.

  22. For people outside of the area especially, I think City of Yakima police with an "Indian head" that has nothing to do with the tribe is confusing.

  23. This question should allow you to check all three boxes. It is offensive, racist, not honoring the Yakama Nation and doesn’t consider the long history of police violence against indigenous and people of color.

  24. I think the logo represents just a group and the image is not apropiade

  25. All of the above. The logo is trash and disrespectful. Does not honor the ancestors of this land. The least we can do is be respectful of the people whose land we now habit.

  26. It’s unnecessary

  27. the YPD logo really shouldn’t have anything to do w the Yakama Nation so idk why this is on here

  28. it is racist and offensive (because racism is offensive) and is a predatory and derogatory use of indigenous imagery for the purpose of representing a non-indigenous organization that historically has supported and even perpetrated systemic violence and oppression against said group they claim to honor and represent. In short, racist, offensive, tone deaf logo

  29. I don’t see any logical connection between YPD and the Yakama Nation. They aren’t tribal police. So it comes off as disrespectful, not respectful.

  30. how many members of the police force are members of the Yakama Nation/tribe? given the proportion of members of the Yakama nation in the greater Yakima area, are members of the Yakama Nation incarcerated or scrutinized by the police more or less than other members of the community?

  31. I want to know if the police department spoke to our local tribe to get permission. It seems offensive in my eyes, if there was no approval from the Yakama Tribe

  32. All the above, how many Natives are actually police officers?? They killed our gente, take that off.

  33. YPD is not a Native American institution. There’s absolutely zero reason to use a chiefs head with headdress as a logo. It’s disrespectful at best. What were y’all thinking?

  34. A lot of places will represent their area with a plant or an animal. Representing Yakima as a Native American person seems dehumanizing. Instead, maybe use a part of what makes the Yakama tribe unique to other tribes.

  35. All and why do the police need a logo?

  36. It does not honor the Yakama Nation, specifically, and is an appropriation of generic Native American symbols. It also implies affiliation with the Yakama Nation, which this police force does not have.

  37. Stereotyped

  38. There isn’t enough emphasis on the Police part of YPD




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