Yes, I like the Ypd logo - responses

All of the Yes responses to question 1 so far - Do  you like the YPD log - Yes or No?

These are the 6 yes responses so far that were posted in the Other section to the question "Do you like the YPD logo?" that were beyond the choices of 1) It best represents the police force; 2) It suits us; 3) The YPD log honors the Yakama Nation/Tribe; 4) It is appropriate; 5) All of the above. No editing has been done to the comments and they are listed in the order they were given.


  1. "It’s all I know. I don’t think of it as offensive. I may not choose it if we were a brand new Police Station, getting a brand new logo. But we are not. And we need our Police Force. Not new uniforms or logo’s."
  2. "Leave it alone. Do not spend ANY money chafing it at this time!"
  3. "Need new on"
  4.  "Highly inappropriate"
  5. "Not every depiction of native Americans is automatically disrespectful."
  6. "Because it represents the history and foundation of the valley."






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