What should the logo be changed to - responses

These are the 160 responses so far to the question, "What should it be changed to?" No editing has been done to the comments and they are listed in the order they were given.


If you said yes it should be changed, what should it be changed to?

  1. I don't know exactly what it should be but it should represent Yakima.
  2. Whatever best represent yakima, maybe a indegenius animal or creature? or even just like a animal
  3. Something that encompasses Yakima like a landscape or something that recognizes the community as a whole.
  4. Not a clue
  5. I am not apart of the Yakama tribe nor do I know much about the tribe or the area but I think you could get a competition started amongst the tribe for the best ideas!
  6. It should be something that truly represents the people in the area, rather than it being something that is offensive and can cause more pain and harm.
  7. Possibly something reflecting the nature of Yakima (rivers, fields, etc.).
  8. Something representative of the city (agricultural, building)
  9. An object that represents the city- a building, plant, river
  10. Something more official, maybe something similar to the police badge or a play off the police union. Fire departments tend to do something similar to their unions badge.
  11. It should be something done by someone who is indigenous to the area since that is who the YPD is supposed to protect and when people see that they don't feel protect.
  12. Because it does not honor the Yakima Nation/ tribe.
  13. To something that represents the area.
  14. A symbol representing the police department’s values.
  15. Unsure
  16. A representation of the Yakima, the Naches, and Tieton rivers forming a Y, and as a nod to the natives add a salmon.
  17. Yakima River? Apple? Grapes? Incorporate the letters Y P D in some sort of logo.
  18. Something that is related to this place and the community that is now Yakima, rather than a history that frankly isn't really being told by your logo.
  19. If we want to be historical, maybe to the hop police from the 1930s. If we want to honor place, then to a Helper, such as when YPD responds as helpers of the community.
  20. With some research most police logos are simply representative of the "police" sometimes including a star and or a shield. Protect & serve, not culturally appropriate.
  21. City logo
  22. City of Yakima Logo
  23. Not sure but something respectful to everyone that doesn’t involve anyone’s culture or politics.
  24. No comment.…
  25. Something without a Native American. Yakama is the tribe not Yakima
  26. A non-offensive symbol that represents the Yakima Valley, such as an apple or apple blossoms.
  27. If their intent is to honor the Yakama, the ypd may want to consider asking the tribal leaders for their input.
  28. Something ag related maybe
  29. I'm unsure if it should change I like that they have a connection to the Yakama, I think this should be more asked by members of the tribe than all residents of Yakima. If the Yakama want it changed then we should change it
  30. Anything that isn't intentionally offensive and outdated?! How is this a question 🤔
  31. To something more representative of the city, such as 🍎 or hops, etc
  32. Yakima City Logo
  33. Something that represents Wa state.
  34. An apple? Agriculture oriented
  35. Nothing police don’t need a logo.
  36. Something thoughtfully designed by a professional.
  37. Something representing the valley
  38. The official City of Yakima Logo
  39. Something that showcases other symbols or scenes of Yakima, like the river canyon, the Fred G Redmon Bridge, the Larson Building, Mt. Adams, or agricultural landscapes. I do feel a bit conflicted about fruit/agriculture imagery because the working conditions of the laborers are not ideal, but it would be less harmful than the current logo.
  40. The city logo makes sense, or something inspired by the city logo? Or how about a hawk or eagle?
  41. Maybe imagery of apples, hops, Mt. Adams, etc.
  42. An apple or trees
  43. An apple or one of our nearby mountains would be more appropriate.
  44. Something that doesn't appropriate a racist or cultural image
  45. Disban the police and invest in the community
  46. An ouroboros
  47. Literally anything other than using imagery of any minority group
  48. An apple
  49. balsam root
  50. We have a lot of orchards and wineries that could inspire a logo.
  51. This should warrant a new survey! However we are so geographically rich. Mt. Adams? An apple?
  52. Scenic landscape of an orchard (similar to Tacoma PD), an osprey (or other local wildlife), or an apple
  53. Has the Nation approved it?
  54. Something else- city logo, sunshine, something more representative of our area.
  55. I don’t know but not that
  56. In consultation with Yakama tribe, something relevant to Yakima’s products or history. Or defund the police :)
  57. Something that better reflects our area and will be a positive symbol or icon for our police department.
  58. Something that represents the geology or agriculture of the area
  59. Non native logo
  60. Mt. Rainer/Apple/Hops/Basalt Rock
  61. Just YPD
  62. It IS possible to be creative without being racist, offensive, or cultural appropriation. It might be different if YPD and the city of Yakima actually respected and honored natives.
  63. Don't know. Maybe hold a city-wide logo design competition?
  64. BLM
  65. A sun or an apple or like something non ethnic.
  66. Something that is related to the city
  67. I would recommend a competition for local residents to design the new logo.
  68. Something that represents the police force more accurately, or even a symbol of justice
  69. Something not racist - a plant, animal, a sun, something that represents the agriculture in the area…
  70. Anything else
  71. Apple
  72. Something else our area is known for.
  73. Something representing the city of Yakima, whether that be an apple, vines and hops or an illustration of a valley.
  74. A kitten
  75. City logo
  76. I'm not 100% sure. The logo process is one of discovery and based on that discovery, a design can be created to fit the organization and what that organization does. If you ever do consider redesigning the logo, I would love to do a presentation and/or bid on the project. (personal information removed)
  77. The city logo is fine.
  78. Something that represents the entire community of Yakima.
  79. Anything with a sun, agriculture, mountains, that gap, anything but a specific race of people.
  80. Nothing that appropriates Native culture, especially when indigenous women are murdered at a higher rate than any other racial demographic!
  81. A simple image for police, like a YPD, or perhaps an image with an apple. Something simple and functional that isn't trying to represent something it is not.
  82. An apple
  83. Some fruit, perhaps an apple like on the City of Yakima logo, should be a part of it; perhaps overlaid over an orchard. A silhouette of the Larson building would be good too.
  84. A logo that honors the people of the city of Yakima. Agriculture and industry are large elements to be highlighted, and so is the cultural diversity we enjoy here.
  85. The official City of Yakima logo
  86. Something different
  87. A sun, an Apple, a foothill…. Could be anything.
  88. Something that represents the values of the police department and Yakima
  89. Do not depict residents
  90. Something culturally appropriate and relevant
  91. Probably a dollar sign since the department is overfunded and officers are overpaid.
  92. traditional cop shield/badge or an apple or whatever
  93. An Apple like the City logo
  94. Do a logo competition activity to get design input from students and community members.
  95. Maybe an apple. Or a bison.
  96. something suggested by the Yakama tribe
  97. star inside a red apple
  98. I am not sure right now
  99. Something relevant to policing maybe?
  100. It should be changed to something more representative of Yakima city proper. A version of the city logo would be appropriate, but it would need to be modified so it doesn’t look like letterhead.
  101. Something more generic
  102. Have an open artist competition then let the community decide
  103. A shield
  104. Something that reflects our multicultural community
  105. Something related to police
  106. Something that represents the community
  107. Same as city of Yakima logo
  108. Yes
  109. used other logos but dont used native thye need respect
  110. it needs to be inclusive with other races o represent our community in the county
  111. for a logo that is not racist. It can be changed for something that represent the city
  112. For something that relates law enforcement, justice or our valley.
  113. For another inclusive logo
  114. Something that captures the agricultural background of Yakima.
  115. Get input from the Tribe or use the city of Yakima logo or maybe the apple.
  116. Something that represents our region-eg. agriculture, topography.
  117. Any animal or plant that is native to the area
  118. Maybe the mountain which is already on their vehicles
  119. First off, Yakama should be spelt with an A and not and I. Secondly there should NOT be that logo.
  120. Something specific to Yakima instead of a generic stereotype
  121. A palm tree (jk) something the represents the agricultural background of the Yakima valley
  122. Anything that better represents the city itself. Perhaps incorporate part of the CoY logo.
  123. Something that does not include indigenous people because the YPD does not protect the indigenous so to use a tribal symbol is offensive. Especially when yakima has one of the Highest missing persons lost.
  124. Does it require a logo?
  125. Landscape of the Valley, an apple, MT adams
  126. Not sure, something more neutral
  127. Apples maybe?
  128. An apple or other local fruit
  129. Pig
  130. A trashcan
  131. Ps the city logo needs a redesign as well
  132. An apple.
  133. Something that celebrates the beauty of the natural surroundings of the Yakima area
  134. Anything that does appropriate the image of the tribe or ignore the fact that the Yakama Nation was pushed out and colonized, creating poverty for them while white people solely benefited.
  135. something that accurately represents that which the police do and represent such as handcuffs, jail bars, or maybe a gun. if you really want a less honest but more friendly logo, maybe just some rendition of a K-9 unit because who doesn’t like dogs?
  136. Something that does not portray any ethnicity. Yakima is a designated tree city, major producer of apples and hops—anything referencing activity of the City would make more sense.
  137. Apple like City of Yakima logo
  138. Something that is more inclusive and not appropriating something from indigenous cultures.
  139. Hops lol or an apple
  140. A hop bud should be added
  141. Something representative to the officers and there duty.
  142. Possibly something more related to the agriculture in the region
  143. Something that represents Yakima better. Like apples, hops, or grapes (wine grapes ofc).
  144. I don’t know. Just not this. Maybe a duck.
  145. An apple
  146. Agriculture, local animal. Anything other than a group of people.
  147. Why do you need a logo?
  148. Oh I don’t know, maybe literally anything that’s actually relevant to YPD. It shouldn’t be that difficult.
  149. Anything, apple related. Get creative! Hire a marketing team. There are budgets that are set aside for this. Use them!!!
  150. Lean towards more agriculture and geographic content
  151. An apple or hops or any other Yakima product
  152. Something that makes the Yakama tribe unique.
  153. A pilgrim
  154. something representing the area, not an ethnic group
  155. Fruit trees, maybe apples and pears
  156. Anything else
  157. No logo, this isn’t a sports team.
  158. The Yakima River. It is the source of the economy that drives the region, and ties all cultures together.
  159. Your tribal arts
  160. Something that resembles police more than a tribe.



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